Blogs I Like- Saharil Conteng

guilty party: Ashraf on 12/03/2008

This is a continuation of the stuff I like portion of this blog i.e. filler post when I have nothing to blog about. So today the subject is blogs. One of my faviorite blogs of all time has to be Saharil Conteng. For those of you unfamiliar with this guy (shame on you!), he is a freelance writer who also upkeeps a great blog. This real estate on the blogosphere differs from the other crap (including moi) simply for the fact that al the entries are in the form of pictures like this:

This is an excerpt of his 2009 horoscope. I of course took the Aquarius one seeing as that is my star sign. There's also a bunch of other cool stuff and plus every entry can be sent as an e-cards. So, click on the link. NOW!!!

0 Verbal Bashing/s: